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President Letter


June 26, 2023


Alliance Friends,


“The secret of life is enjoying the passage of time,” advises the singer-songwriter James Taylor. When I reflect on what the Oklahoma County Medical Society Alliance means to me, this sentiment rings true. The Alliance, its mission and its members have enriched my life in so many ways. Let me list a few:


Community. A friend brought me to my first Alliance luncheon seven years ago. Not only was I treated to a tasty meal inside a lovely home, but also I was touched by how easily I connected with members of all ages. Being married to medicine presents abundant joys and challenges, and that shared experience seemed to unite our spirits. Even in my first interactions with members, I felt comfort, support and understanding. 


Leadership. As the years ticked on, I became more involved with the Alliance. I joined committees first, then the board. Eventually, I was nominated as an executive officer. I am continually inspired by our board’s enthusiasm and passion – and especially how we collaborate and encourage one another to give our very best. Having a seat at the leadership table is an honor and a thrill.


Philanthropy. The Alliance calendar has built-in volunteer opportunities, and members can jump in any time. Monthly community service projects have connected us to amazing nonprofits such as Palomar, the Regional Food Bank and the Homeless Outreach in Public Education (HOPE) Center. Our fall Kitchen Tour funds community service projects plus it supports two local health-related nonprofits every year. It’s a huge, year-round endeavor, but seeing how our members pull together to pull it off every year is truly awesome.


If you want to add more enjoyment to your days, I encourage you to turn toward the Alliance. Could you invite a friend to our next general meeting? Go for it! Is there a community service project planned that tugs at your heart? Jump in! Would your time and talents benefit our Kitchen Tour? Join our volunteers! 


Can I tell you the real secret of life? The more you give, the more you get. I can’t wait to see what we can accomplish together this year.


All the best,

Evie Holzer


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